Market forecast
Quantum cryptography market forecast
Last updated
Quantum cryptography market forecast
Last updated
Analyzing the economic growth forecast for the quantum cryptography market based on the information provided, the following growth rates are expected.
Market size and growth rate:
The quantum cryptography market size is estimated to be USD 580 million in 2024 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 29.19% during the forecast period (2024-2029) and reach USD 2.09 billion by 2029 [1].
Technology Advantage: Having proprietary technology that is quantum-resistant provides a competitive advantage in the market.
Newness of the market and less competition: Being a new market, there is less competition and you have the advantage of being an early mover.
Price Competitiveness: Our low manufacturing costs make our prices highly competitive and attractive to our customers.
Considering these factors, the quantum cryptographic device market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of approximately 30% based on the growth rates mentioned above. Although this growth rate may fluctuate due to market conditions and technological developments, the forecasts provided indicate very high growth. This suggests that this is a field that is expected to grow in the future.
Market size (number of units) as shown by usage of quantum chips and quantum cryptographic security devices
USB: 2-300 million units, Immobilizer: 7-1 billion units, Communication satellite: 500 million units, Smart car: 1-1.5 billion units, Surveillance camera: 7-1 billion units, Blockchain: 8-12 billion units, IC/SIM card: 3-15 billion units, CPU etc: 8-15 billion units
If you look at the market chaos map above. In terms of technical difficulty, we found that it is best to introduce USB authentication devices at an early stage. By developing authentication devices for CBDCs and financial institutions at an early stage.
❶ Improving market awareness
❷ Practicality and effectiveness are demonstrated
❸ As a result, the number of users increased
These achievements make it possible to apply and expand to products other than USB devices.
Therefore, as a prediction of market share
The market for USB certified devices is 104.5 million USD~
The market for quantum chips for IoT devices, smartphones, IC cards, etc. is 1 billion USD~
I estimate that it will be as above. This turns out to be a very large market.